Seaport 17th Customer FAQs

1Q: When are visiting hours?
A: We always welcome visitors and we recommend visiting between the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you have a special circumstance, please speak with the charge nurse on duty so alternate visiting hours may be arranged.
2Q: Is there a limit to the number of people who can visit at one time?
A: Although we do not have a formal policy stating visitation guidelines, we suggest using the common areas of the facility to meet with your loved one. If it is not possible to visit in one of the common areas, we suggest a limit of one to three people in a resident room at one time.
3Q: Is there any private space available to use?
A: You may reserve the patio for any special event (birthday, holidays, meals) in advance with our social services designee.
4Q: Can I bring my children to visit?
A: We encourage children to visit, however, we ask you to alert the charge nurse to anyone visiting the facility under the age 12.
5Q: How often will a physician or health professional visit?
A: Physicians generally see patients upon admission and once every 30 days thereafter. However, our nursing professionals are in constant contact with all of the physicians that visit the facility. Some insurance companies require that physicians visit more often. Check with our nursing staff for further information.
6Q: Are Pets Allowed into the Facility?
A: Yes! Your pets are welcome at Seaport.
7Q: Will a Doctor Be Assigned to Me?
A: Yes! All Seaport patients are assigned a doctor.
8Q: Are Group Activities Available?
Yes! Group activities take place once a week, and include such things as yoga.
9Q: What Should I Bring?
A: Glad you asked! We have a handy checklist you can download and print. Click Here to Download.

Do you have more questions?

Please contact us