We believe that Pet Therapy can greatly improve the quality of life for patients in our facility. This adorable photograph was taken at our Koi pond.
About Pet Therapy
More and more people are beginning to realize the healing effects that animals are having on an individual’s well-being, especially patients suffering with depression. While some people recover from depression using medications alone, there are many others, who would prefer to use a combination of alternative therapies to try to alleviate the symptoms of depression. One of these treatments being studied is Pet Therapy.
Animals have long been recognized as being a positive force in the healing process. Pet Therapy can facilitate many positive changes one such example being increased socialization skills. Animals can be used as part of group therapy programs to encourage communication and increase the ability to focus.
Dogs notably have a calming and therapeutic effect on people. They can help individuals to cope with the emotional issues related to their illness. They also offer physical contact with another living creature and help to divert a person’s attention from their pressing daily problems.
Dogs are aware of illness and sadness and genuinely want to provide companionship and comfort; they show an abundance of intelligence and are both intuitive and compassionate. Any dog owner will relate and agree with me when I say that it is a warm feeling when their dog can detect their sorrow and lick their tears away.
Pet Therapy can facilitate many positive changes, one such example is increased socialization skills. Animals can be used as part of group therapy programs to encourage communication and increase the ability to focus. Helping to develop a person’s self-esteem and reducing their loneliness and anxiety are just some potential benefits of individual-animal therapy.